Battle Support
Battle Support is a feature in Dekaron which allows you to pre-select a list of skills and items, and have your character perform them repeatedly in sequence. This allows you to activate a series of skills and/or items with the press of a single key, or to have the computer control your character while you focus on something else.
When Battle Support mode is activated, your character will use first skill on the list against a viable target within range. Once the skill has been used, Battle Support will move to the next skill on the list and repeat the process. Once it reaches the end of the list, Battle Support will return to the beginning, and continue to cycle through the list so long as Battle Support mode remains active. If there are no viable targets for any skills in the list, your character will return to the location where Battle Support was initially activated, and wait until a target becomes available.
There are two pages of skill inputs available, for a total of 28 skills which can be set.
Be advised that your character will not pick up items while Battle Support is enabled, but your pet will continue to do so, if it is summoned and has room available.
Battle Support Configuration
You can set up and save up to 3 pre-set Battle Support skill setups, and switch between them with the drop-down Setting menu.
Activating Battle Support (with the + key) will set the exact location at which your character is currently standing as your Start Location. If there are no actions available to your character, they will return to this location and stand still until an action or target becomes available. Setting Return will cause your character to move back to their Start Location at the given interval, regardless of what they are doing. Battle Support will continue as normal, once they have returned.
- Farming Range lets you select one of three ranges (Narrow, Middle, and Wide), within which your character will attack any viable target, using the skills you have selected. Your character may pursue targets beyond this range, or be moved beyond it by some skills, but target selection will be still constrained by Farming Range.
- Self-Target will have your character use any skills on the Battle Support list on themselves first, if they are a viable target. Otherwise they will use the skill on any viable target.
- Attacker Target Setting will prioritize targets who are already attacking your character, over other targets.
- Normal Attack instructs your character to activate auto-attack if a hostile target is within range and no other skill is available.
To add a skill to the skill list, click on it on your Skill Window, and then click on the desired slot. You can place the same skill on the list multiple times, if you wish for it to be performed multiple times in the same sequence.
If you do not wish for a skill to be performed but don’t want to remove it from the list, deselecting the red check mark will cause Battle Support to ignore that particular instance of the skill.
If you enter a number for Cooldown Time, Battle Support will not perform that instance if the skill until the given amount of time, in seconds, has passed since the last instance. By default, every skill automatically places its Cool Time into this section when added to the list, and you cannot set the Cooldown Time to lower than the skill’s Cool Time.
Cooldown Time is useful for buff skills, which usually have no cooldown to cast, but which you likely do not want cast more frequently than the buff’s duration. For example, simply adding a buff to the list will cast it every time the skill sequence is run, possibly far more often than necessary. But setting the buff skill's Cooldown Time to the buff’s duration, in seconds, will cast the buff once when you activate Battle Support, and again when the buff’s duration expires. For example, you would want to set the Cooldown Time to 600 for a buff which lasts 10 minutes, which will result in it being cast once when starting Battle Support, and used again at 10-minute intervals.
- The Repeat Setting tab allows you to set Battle Support to use consumable items at instructed intervals. Click on the item and then on a free spot on the Repeat Setting List. You will be able to select one of three options.
- Repeat Duration Time will use the item upon starting Battle Support, and then use another once the effects of the first expire. This will repeat so long as you have a supply of the items in your inventory.
- Repeat Cool Time will use the item upon starting Battle Support, and then use another as soon as the Cool Time for the item has passed. The item will be used again even if its effects are ongoing. Warning: This option will consume your character’s supply of this item as fast as possible. Make sure you don't configure Battle Support to rapidly consume and waste items like Arcadia’s Protection!
- Cooldown Time Select will use the item upon starting Battle Support, use it again once the given time interval (in seconds) has passed, and continue to use it at every interval. This is good for items like Arcadia’s Protection, where you may want to give yourself a few seconds before the duration expires to refresh it, given the dire ramifications of being without the item’s effects. Make sure you set the duration correctly.
- Repeat Setting 2 works the same as Repeat Setting, but allows you to use the Reinforced Scroll items you may find in certain places, and you may use these scrolls on party members rather than yourself.
- Potion Settings is only available for characters under the effects of Premium Holy Water of Almighty from the DShop, and allows you to automatically use HP and MP potions from your Function Key slots if your HP or MP drops below a percentage threshold. You can select two types of each potion with different thresholds, if you want to save more powerful potions for emergencies.
- The Etc Potion Setting also requires Premium Holy Water of Almighty. It works just like Repeat Setting, but only for items of the Buff type, and they must be added to your Function Key slots.
You can only have Battle Support enabled for 60 minutes in one 24-hour period. Your remaining Battle Support time is measured by your Stamina, which is the blue bar at the top of the Battle Support screen. You can regain some lost Stamina via Stamina potions. Premium Holy Water of Almighty grants unlimited Stamina so long as its effects persist.